petek, 15. marec 2013

GHANA: Fort Batenstein

Butre has a beautiful natural harbor, during the sixteenth century dutch traders took over and finished a fort that was started earlier by swedish traders. The ruins of this fortification are still in relatively good shape. The Ghana coast has many fortresses, but most of them are Portugese slaver fortresses (Ghana was a colony of the Protugese, then later of English), but the fortress above butre was never a slaver fortress.

The town of Butre requires that 30% of the profit from sightseeing and tourism be collected as a tax and used for common development. The cost for a guided tour of the fort was 5 Ghana Cedis (~2.5 Euro) per person. We made arrangements to see the fortress with the guide, Francis Asan, who is also pictured, his family runs a guesthouse directly between the beach and the lagoon. 


Vasica Butre se poleg čudovite lagune ponaša tudi z naravnim pristaniščem, kamor so v 16. stoletju prispeli najprej švedski, kmalu za njimi pa še nizozemski trgovci.  Spomin na »obisk« obeh, poosebljajo relativno dobro ohranjeni ostanki mogočne utrdbe, z gradnjo katere so pričeli prvi in zaključili drugi. Ganska obala ima nasploh veliko utrdb – večina je iz časov portugalske trgovine s sužnji (Gana je bila namreč sprva portugalska kolonija, šele pozneje angleška).

Za turistični ogled utrdbe je potrebno odšteti pet ganskih CD-jev (približno 2.5 evra) na osebo. 30% od dobička roma v skupno vaško blagajno, kjer se porabi za razvojne projekte.  Utrdbo sva si ogledala z lokalnim vodičem , Francisom Asanom, ki je tudi na eni od spodnjih fotografij. 

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