petek, 12. april 2013

PROJECT: New Books

"My name is Maria. I live with my mother and father, my sister and three brothers. We live in Iramba Ndogo, a village in Tanzania. My mother says that when she was a little girl, big trees grew everywhere. Over the years, people have cut down many, many trees for farming, for building houses and for making charcoal. Without trees our rivers no longer flow all year long. We must save our trees or the land will soon become a desert...My mother joined the environmental commitee on our village council. She tells everyone to plant trees near their homes and farms. Our family is in charge of the village nursery..."

These are the words of Maria, a little girl from Tanzania, taken from the book Maria's Wish by Canadian author Kathy Knowles, the founder and leader of Osu Children's Library Fund. Environmental problems and solutions are presented through the story of this child. Maria and her family were witnesses to the deforestation of the land under the pressures of farming. Their village was badly impacted by the expanding desert. And what is Maria's wish?

"I hope the forest will return to my village soon. My mother believes this will happen if we try very hard. Then, when I have children, they can play under the shade of the large trees, just as my mother did when she was a little girl. If our trees come back, our rivers will flow freely again."

"Maria's Wish" is one of the "new crop" of books at the library complex. At the end of March Ebenezer returned from Slovenia. He brought some new furniture and a new collection of books, which we were very happy to recieve. Thus our "traveling library" has been enriched with new beginning-level, African-themed books that the children really like, which at the same time expand their worldview. The stories are enriched with large photographs which illustrate the story.

Ebenezer brought many books, a number of books are by the Candian author Kathy Knowles, among others is "The Lucky One", the story of Masawuda (who's name means "The Lucky One") a 10 year old boy born with crooked legs and hands, who despite being the target of ridicule from his peers, knew that his name was proper to him. One day he met Mr. Arnauda, who helped him find a doctor who cured him. Other books bear titles such as "One Little Crab" and "Mumaizu and the Hippos". A portion of the collection is also geared toward the most basic levels, in these books objects of a certain color are photographed throughout and the books bear the name of the color i.e. "My Green Book", "My Blue Book" etc. Ebenezer also brought some books for more advanced students of English.

Despite the fact that our volunteer work is coming to an end these books will help us during our last few classes and will certainly be a big help to the three new volunteers from Slovenia and all future volunteers. Thanks Ebenezer and Humanitas [who donated the books]! :)

We already introduced some of these books to our children at our last class and they loved them.


" Moje ime je Marija. Živim z mamo in očetom, sestro ter tremi brati. Živimo v Tanzaniji, v vasici  Iramba Ndogo. Mama pravi, da je bilo v času njenega otroštva vse polno velikih dreves. Skozi leta so jih ljudje posekali - za kmetovanje, gradnjo hiš, ter izdelovanje oglja. Brez dreves reke ne tečejo skozi vse leto. Drevesa moramo varovati,v nasprotnem primeru bo na naših tleh kmalu puščava. ... Mama se je pridružila veškemu okljevarstvenemu komiteju. Vsem govori o tem kako pomembno je sajenje dreves blizu domov in kmetij. Naša družina skrbi za vaško drevesnico."

To so besede zambijske deklice Marie, vzete iz otroške knjižice "Marijina želja" (Maria's Wish) Kanadčanke Kathy Knowles, ustanoviteljice in vodje  Osu Children's Library Fund. Skozi preprosto otroško pripoved opozarja na okoljevarstveni problem njene dežele ter istočasno podaja rešitev. Marija ter njena družina so bili priče uničevanju gozdov z namenom širjenja obdelovalnih površin, gradnje hiš. Krčenje gozdov je vplivalo na rečne pretoke v tolikšni meri, da bi lahko privedlo do nastanka večjih puščavskih površin. S svojo vlogo v vaški drevesnici igra Marijina družina pomembno vlogo v lokalnih poskusih pogozdovanja. In kaj je Marijina želja? 

"Upam da bo v moji vasi kmalu ponovno gozd. Moja mama je prepričana, da če se bomo dovolj potrudili, nam bo uspelo. Potem se bodo moji otroci igrali v sencah velikih dreves, kot se je moja mama, ko je bila majhna deklica. Če se bo to zgodilo, bodo naše reke ponovno svobodno tekle."

"Marijina želja" je ena od osvežitev knjižnjičnega kompleksa. Konec marca se je z oddiha v Sloveniji vrnil Ebenezer.  V Busuo je pripeljal nekaj zelo uporabnega pohištva ter, česar sva se še posebej razveselila, novo kolekcijo knjig. Tako je tudi najina "potujoča knjižnjica" obogatena z novimi poučnimi knjižicami z vsebinami iz afriške kulture, ki otroke animirajo, istočasno pa širijo njihov pogled na svet. Zgodbe so obogatene z ličnimi fotografijami, ki oživijo svetove pripovedovalcev. 

Ebenezer se je odločil za več knjižic kanadske avtorice Kathy Knowles, med drugim tudi The Lucky One, zgodbo desetletnega fantka Masawouda (njegovo ime pomeni "the lucky one"). Kljub temu, da se je rodil z zvitimi nogami ter rokami, bil posledično med vrstniki večkrat tarča posmeha, pravi da so mu starši dali pravo ime. Nekega dne je namreč srečal gospoda Arnauda, ki mu je pomagal najti ortopeda, ki ga je pozdravil. Tu so še knjižica En majhen rak (One Little Crab), Mumaizu in nilski konji (Mumaizu and the Hippos). Del zbirke so še sila preproste "barvne" knjižice: Moja zelena knjiga (My Green Book), Moja modra knjiga (My Blue Book), Moja oranžna knjiga (My Orange Book). Ebenezer je prinesel tudi težje knjige v angleščini, ki pa ne pridejo v poštev za najin pouk.

Kljub temu, da se najino gansko "bralno" poslanstvo počasi izteka, pride knjižna osvežitev še kako prav. Predvsem pa bodo nove pridobitve olajšale delo novih treh prostovoljcev, ki so prispeli pred nekaj dnevi, ter vsem prihodnjim prostovoljcem. Hvala Ebenezer, hvala donator Humanitas! :)

Iz knjige Maria's Wish:

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