sreda, 10. april 2013

LIVING: Rainy Season

Ghana's temperature varies little throughout the year, in August it is 24.7°C on average, while at its hottest in March it is 26.8 °C. At the end of March the rainy season approaches.

Sonja and I hoped the rainy season would lessen the sweltering heat; it did. But it also brought with it an increase in humidity. Though on the balance, I think it's better. The rains come in quick, torrential squalls. Once last week I saw the sky begin to turn strange. I went out to the beach and walked out in front of the resort: thunderheads, their tops illuminated brightly, their undersides darkling. Streamlines of flying sand divided around my ankles and flew on toward Busua. A circular gap in the clouds bathed the near-beach in uneasy brightness while farther from me the beach was already dark. A lone figure walked from Butre, his clothes flapping wildly. Four boys came up the beach from Busua. Then the rain started to pour. I took shelter under the roof on the outdoor patio at the resort where Sonja and I sometimes eat french fries. I saw the boys later, still sheltered under the eaves of a concrete storage house while I was on my way back to the library. The rain came in at a 45 degree angle, I sheltered from the driving rain and the wind behind a pillar. The resort employees were cleaning up after the easter rush, they were out cleaning the open-air dance floor. They continued, undisturbed by the rain.

A few minutes later the rain slowed to a drizzle and I went back to the library complex. Sonja had put a towel beneath the window to hold out the driving rain. She hadn't noticed that some water had also forced its way under the door. So far that was the biggest storm of rainy season.

The start of rainy season also corresponded to the arrival of crickets. I'm not sure if the two are related. At night their chirping layers-over the periodically breaking waves.

-- Tomaž

Temperature v Gani skozi leto le malo variirajo. Najhladnejše, avgustovsko povprečje se giblje okoli 24.7°C, najbolj vroče, marčevsko, pa okoli 26.8°C.

Smo v začetku deževne dobe, s Sonjo sva upala, da bo prinesla vsaj blago ohladitev. Temperaturna razlika se zares čuti, kar pa žal ne velja za stopnjo vlage v zraku, ki se je kvečjemu le še zvišala. Kljub temu je deževna doba za občutljive zahodnjake veliko blažja ter prijetnejša. Blagodejen vpliv ima tudi dež, ki se pojavi v hitrih sunkih, tudi večkrat na dan. 

Prejšnji teden sem bil priča doslej najmogočnejši nevihti. Nebo se je pričelo nenavadno spreminjati. Stal sem na plaži pred Resortom ter opazoval oblake. Izza zgornjega dela so silili zaslepljujoči sončni žarki, medtem ko je njihov spodnji del postajal vse temnejši. Veter je raznašal mivko. Pričelo je deževati. Zatekel sem se v zavetje pod streho zunanjega dela Beach Resorta. Sunki dežja so padali pod kotom 45 stopinj, zato sem se pred vetrom ter dežjem skril kar za steber. V svoji delavni poziciji pa so ostali zaposleni, ki so še naprej, navkljub dežju čistili plesišče.
Nekaj minut kasneje se je dež umiril, ko je le še rosilo sem se odpravil proti knjižnjičnemu kompleksu. Tam sem našel Sonjo, ki se je spopadala z deževnico, ki je pronicala v sobo. Vzdolž pod okno je položila brisačo, da bi jo zadržala. A voda je na najino smolo našla  pot tudi pod vrati. :)

Deževna doba je poleg blagodejnega dežja ter znižanja temperatur prinesla tudi čričke. Moč jih je slišati ponoči, ko se njihovi zvoki mešajo z bučanjem valov.

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